
someecards are spot on...

The thing that I love about SOMEECARDS is that there is always something so relative to my personality (good & bad). At any given moment, I could feel totally ridiculous or just at ease with myself while browsing through their many categories. Sometimes the honest-to-God truth is funny. The few I've embedded here, are completely relevant to me these past few months.

First off, I'm sick of gaining weight and not being able to lose IT. The habit of working out maniacally for a couple of weeks, then slacking off later seriously is killing my mood and energy. Funny thing is, I enjoy health food, I eat about any veggie out there, I'd much rather snack on pita than a greasy potato chip and I actually like killing time by going for a jog. It's a shame I get so incredibly lazy and opt for watching Barefoot Contessa & Giada in the afternoon while browsing blogs and what not all the while. The thing I resent most, is not being comfortable in my clothes! Its the worst feeling ever, whereas at times, I'm not even comfortable in a casual pair of denim jeans or a loose fitted shirt. I find myself hoping for the weather to be 70 degrees or lower just so I could wear a loose hoodie and my "workout" pants- of course, without working out. I seriously am "letting myself go." Ugh. I always find myself thinking- you know, I'm young and this is the time to be fit and comfortable in your skin. Its a damn shame I've gotten this bad.

Some things are for sure, though. I LOVE sushi and I still love when my boyfriend grabs my hand while we're in the car. Warm, warm fuzzies {to this day}....

I'm totally craving sashimi now.... with lemon and light sodium soy sauce. Oh, heaven.

Look closely... this picture is pretty rude, but its how I feel!!
waah, waaah, waaaahh.

images via myspill & someecards


Unknown said...

I love someecards too!

ivane said...

I totally relate to this post...but I'm completely perplexed as to why you feel this way. Even at my thinnest, I don't think I was ever, anywhere near your size now.