

Last Friday, I picked up, Family, by Lauren Dukoff. I am completely inspired by Lauren Dukoff's photography and am happy with this book's charm. When I first saw the title on the bookshelf, I thought..."hmmm, like a photo album?" I grabbed it, looked at two photos and quickly took it up to the register. The text in the beginning is insightful. There is no outstanding or extraordinary summary, explanation or life-lesson. Its plainly heartfelt stories by Devendra and Lauren- giving readers a tiny look into their history and lifestyles. I've read some negative and so-so comments on the book, yet, this hasn't swayed my opinion at all. I love Lauren's portraiture, and just as she says that her photos were just quick and uncomfortable quick shutters of the people she hung out with, that feeling really does jump off the page. I'm always looking for portraits of artists. These photos are the most prominent example or what I'm aesthetically drawn to. Its a photo album of friends and I enjoy that.


Laura McLaws Helms said...

I saw some of these photos on a photography website recently and was completely blown away by them- I can't wait to pick up the book to see more of them and to be able to linger over each image for awhile...

ivane said...

I love these. Thank you for sharing. I'm gonna have to take a look into that book the next time I see you. :)